I know how cliche it is to choose a singer/songwriter/famous person as a personal hero, but this person truly is one of my favorite role models. John Mayer has released many heartfelt albums in his music career so far. Besides really enjoying listening to his music, the lyrics in his songs mean a lot to me. I appreciate his lyrics because a lot of songs nowadays have pointless lyrics that don't personally have an influence on me, but his do. I feel like because a lot of the songs were created because of experiences he went through, good or bad, his songs really come from the heart. They are the voice of his emotions, and combining that with his musical talent is what makes his wonderful songs.
The reason he is a hero to me is because if it weren't for his music, I would not have the ability to let go and move on in life. There were a few times within the past few years that have been difficult. Nothing completely life changing, but things that were significant enough to change my perspective on life and other people, as well as people's perspectives on me. There were a few times in particular when I wanted to give up, or when I thought there was nothing that could bring back my self-esteem and optimism.
I was already fond of John Mayer's music, but I had never truly taken the time to just listen. I did, and his first album in the music industry, Room For Squares, became my absolute favorite album. Of course there are a plethora of other songs of his I love, but the Room For Squares album is by far the best. Although he didn't direct his music toward me, and being my hero was not his intention, he is still a hero to me.