Sweat dripped down the back of my neck. I adjusted my thin-chained necklace's clasp- ensuring its security during the greatest concert in the world. The noise and energy of thousands of people surrounded me in this concert arena. Screams echoed through the packed venue. One of my favorite bands in the world was in San Diego, and I was a teasing ten feet away from the microphone! My cousins and I were extremely lucky to be where we were at.
The lights dimmed and immediately the crowd went wild. I knew this would be a night I would never ever forget, but I never knew it would change the way I saw one of my already favorite bands! The moment the four members of the Killers walked onto the stage, the crowd went insane, crazy fans jumping up and down with their hands in the air, me of course one of them. It was so loud you could hardly hear your own shouts as they opened the concert with Mr. Brightside.
The picking of the electric guitar's strings for the introduction of the song rebounded off of the walls of the arena and back at the audience. Screams washed tsunamis over the stage. Insanely loud drumbeats boomed through my eardrums and vibrated through my skull. My heart felt like it was ricocheting like a little silver ball from a pinball machine inside my ribcage. Forgetting I had already been standing and jumping around in the pit for three and a half hours, I exploded with joy when they played All These Things That I've Done.
Their confidence and talent beamed from the smiles on their faces- who knew a rock band could serve as such an incredible inspiration? For me it was not just an invitation to join the music industry, but they were also enormous role models to me with such poise and such exuberant energy- it made me feel like I could do anything I set my mind to.
Sweat dripped down my forehead as I sang along with the Killers and the rest of the audience. The odd smell of pumpkin and flowers wafted off of the woman next to me. Strobe lights blinded me as I strained to see the stage and justify whether this insane performance was a dream or not. My hair was bouncing out of control and I could taste only the salty sweat on my tongue and on my lips- I attempted to wipe my cheek dry with my moist shirtsleeve but was only partly successful.
When they ended with my favorite song, When You Were Young, and clearly the audience’s favorite song as well, I screamed and cheered in spite of my soar throat when the confetti burst and rained over us, tickling my arms and cheeks as it added layers to my skin. This was a once in a lifetime experience, and it couldn't have been any better.
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