Monday, January 11, 2010

Your Guide to the Year in Science: 2010 (Part 2)

Woah! The entertainment business is making TV on the go! In 2010 you'll be able to watch television almost anywhere and everywhere! This article talks about how it used to be that you could only watch TV on cell phones if you had a separate and paid for subscription- now, there are thirty stations in seventeen different major cities that have set up towers that will send free live broadcasting to almost any mobile device.

This is an important topic to keep tabs with because it could have a big effect on the people who are really into watching TV. Especially for those who already have TV on their cell phones but are paying $4 an hour for their TV service should really pay attention to how they could be saving a lot of money.

The plan is that by the second half of 2010 there will be USB dongles that act like TV antennas for your laptop, as well as the same type of invention for cell phones.

One thing that could be a difficult challenge for the creators of this new gadget is that people may find it unnecessary to be watching television all the time, so it will be interesting to see how that issue is dealt with.

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