Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TT Pillar Reflection

Project Description:
We had to design and paint a picture of our 'pillar' on the actual pillar in the 9th grade commons. My 'pillar' was religion and society.


I went through many drafts and brainstorms to figure out what I was going to paint, and how I was going to paint it. I ended up deciding on painting a prayer circle around a fire wearing their symbolic turquoise rock beaded necklaces. Luckily, I was one of the first people to have their designs approved by Mele and Charlotte, so I got to choose where on the pillar I painted my design! :D Painting the pillar was the last part of our Time Traveler's project, and it may have been my favorite part of the project.


I learned that making a visual display of information is a lot different than writing it out for someone. It's like having to create this universal image that can be understood no matter what language you speak, so it was a little bit difficult for me at first to make a design without words.

It was a challenge to paint in my own area at the same time as working around other people painting their own pillars without making a mess and getting paint on other people.

I managed my time pretty well, so I wouldn't change that. I had finished my other assignment a little bit early, so I had a little bit of a jump start on the first draft of my pillar design. If I could change one of the things I did I would have started even earlier than I did, that was I wouldn't have to be painting over my friend and lean over her while she was painting her part of the pillar right beneath me.

This will help me later because being over prepared and going with the flow is much better than the alternative, not being prepared enough and not having enough leeway to make a good final product!!


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